Due April 4, 2014

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

The 4th & last follow up!

January 9th

Today was the last scan as a follow up to the thickened nuchal fold. (It has a more medical term but it is never understandable when the doctors say it.) I was under the impression that I would have noticed when the baby moved to the head down position but guess I was wrong. One of the first things that the tech pointed out was that she was head down.

"Then what is it I'm always feeling right here?" I asked as I pointed to my right rib cage. She brought the transducer over to where I had pointed.
"This," she says. Then she shows me some - not so tiny anymore - feet.
Her butt is near my left rib cage, her back towards my left side and when I feel something on the lower half of my tummy its elbows and fists. I like knowing this :)

We also found out today that the baby has hair already - which she said isn't too common to be able to see so early. All of her organs are measuring beautifully, as is my amniotic fluid levels. She currently weighs 2lbs 13oz which is in the 77th percentile for her gestational age. 
There isn't as much room in there as there was 8 weeks ago so the photos were few compared to the other visits but we did get a few 3D of her face. It was a bit of a challenge though because she always has her arms by her head.

(Arm up by her face)

When the doctor came in to talk to us she said she felt confident telling me that I no longer needed to see her. Of course, if any other concerns come up over the next 3 months I can contact them. This as long as I am continuing to measure correctly in my belly at my normal biweekly appointments.

Now we just cross our fingers that I pass my glucose test on Monday! (Jan 13th) 

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